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February 2nd, 2009 / 17:46:00

The power of Twitter.
I recently tweeted that I was complaining of a nagging sore throat. I don't like taking drugs so I was hoping my own immune system would just take care of it. But after 3 weeks of phlegm and coughing, I reached out for some tips. And within 5 minutes, I got all this! Tips from literally all over the world. That's pretty awesome. One of those things that could not have happened 5 years ago. Here are the tips in case you're under the weather also. You can just feel the T.L.C. in these Tweets.


- heat honey, fresh lemon, fresh ginger. Take 1tbsp 3x/day. Tea w/ honey or apple juice. No OJ, no sodas. −ハチミツ、新鮮なレモンとしょうがを暖める。一日3回、大さじ1杯摂取。蜂蜜入りの紅茶またはアップルジュース。オレンジジュースや炭酸入りドリンクはダメ。

- salads, no dressing… just leaves. odwalla b monster. lemons (real lemons). repeat.
−サラダ、ドレッシング抜き。。。葉っぱのみ。odwall b monster。レモン(本物のレモン)。繰り返す。


- Try Life Shield Throat Defense (organic reishi mycelium). Tastes like a$$ but works for moi. −Life Shield Throat Defenseを試すべき。(オーガニックreishi mycelium)。味は最悪だが効き目は抜群。

- 3 weeks?! DOCTOR!! time for sum antibiotics!!! −3週間?!医者!抗生物質の出番!!!

- Ginger Tea and Threaflu homie works wonders! −ジンジャーティーとThreafluはよく効く。

- unfortunately the cure is to take some aspirin and sleep it off! −残念ながら直すにはアスピリンを飲んで寝ること!

- I swear by a propolis throat spray when I have a sore throat. −のどの痛いときはプロポリスのどスプレー。

- immune boost called Berocca. Don't sell it in the states. Search online or eBay. Works like a champ. −Beroccaという免疫力ブースト。アメリカでは販売していません。ネットやeBayで探すこと。よく効く。


- i take zicam healthy z-ssentials zinc tablets… but 3 weeks is a long time… have you seen a doctor yet? −私はzicam healthy z-ssentials zincタブレットを飲みます。でも3週間は長すぎです。。。まだ医者には行ってないんですか?

- spicy foods….eat some hot fries and a tabasco flavored slim jim….no homo. −辛い食べ物。。。スパイシーポテトとタバスコ味のSlim Jimを食べること。。。ホモじゃないよ。

- Try some Buckley's cough syrup http://buckleys.com/

- find someone w/ antibiotics PRONTO! Drink hot liquids and take pain tabs in the interim. I know! −早く抗生物質を持っている人を探す!暖かい飲み物と痛み止め薬を取ること。僕は知っています。

- Momma always hit my colds with the licorice root & echinacea combo. To this day its my fallback position. −風を引いたときママはカンゾウの根とエキナシアのコンビで対処。今でもこれは欠かせません。

- Gotta say — and maybe it's just placebo — but I've had good luck with Zicam this winter. Worth a shot. −こういう場合は–心理的な効果かもしれないけど–冬にはZicamがいつも効きました。試すべきです。

- it's all about garlic, honey and lemon. You might wanna stay away from others for awhile though. −にんにく、ハチミツとレモンに限る。でもほかの人に近寄らないほうがいいかもしれない。

- mix honey, rhum, and lime..just a lil bit though.−ハチミツ、ラム、ライムを混ぜる。。。少しだけ。

- vodka helped for me but i guess i shouldnt recommend that. −ウォッカは僕に効くけどあまりお勧めはできないかも。

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Jeff « stapledesign.com

2009年2月2日 ... i take zicam healthy z-ssentials zinc tablets… but 3 weeks is a long time… have you seen a doctor yet? −私はzicam ... Gotta say — and maybe its just placebo — but Ive had good luck with Zicam this winter. Worth a shot. read more

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